Microsoft has announced its latest operating system (OS) for desktops PCs, laptops, tablets and other products. In a special launch event last night (Indian standard Time) the company announced the new OS which is expected to inspire new scenarios across the broadest range of devices, from big screens to small screens to no screens at all. today brings you 10 things about the new OS that you should know.
1. One OS Many Devices
According to Terry Myerson, the executive vice president, Operating Systems Windows 10, this new operating system is the first step to an era of more personal computing. The vision of the software is about moving away from single machine OS to a world that is more “mobile, natural and grounded in trust”. This essentially means that there will be similar (or same) interface and OS across multiple size of devices.
And there will be seamless interaction of different devices like tablet and Smartphone with the computer too.
2. A new browser called Spartan
With the new OS launch the company has also launched its new and next generation browser, code-named “Project Spartan”. This new browser comes with greater interoperability, reliability and discoverability, with a new look and feel.
The browser sports advanced features like ability to annotate by keyboard or pen directly on the webpage and easily share with friends, a reading view that is distraction free, displaying the article in a simplified layout for a great reading experience for Web articles online and offline
It also comes with support from Cortana, which has been integrated with the browser for finding and doing things online faster.
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