Xiaomi launched the much anticipated phone Mi4 in India at Rs 19,999 on January 28. Like other phones from the Chinese company, the Xiaomi Mi4 will also be available on Flipkart.com. The smartphone will go on sale on Flipkart on February 10, for which the registrations will begin at 6 pm IST today. The Xiaomi Mi4 was revealed in China in 2014 and was launched today at an event in New Delhi. Xiaomi to launch Mi4 in India on Jan 28
Xiaomi Mi4 Features and Specifications
The Xiaomi Mi4 sports a 5 inch HD 1080p display with a pixel density of 441ppi. The phone is powered by a 2.5GHz Snapdragon 801 Processor and has amazing storage of 3GB RAM. The Mi4 has an in-built memory of 16GB but has no feature of expanding the memory capacity. Xiaomi testing sale of refurbished and unboxed phones in India on Overcart.com
With a 13MP rear camera combined with LED flash and a 1/3” sensor, and 8MP front camera, the Xiaomi Mi4 will let you click good quality and clear pictures. The Mi4 has a good battery of 3,080mAh, which is said to keep the phone working for an entire day. The company also claims that the battery can charge up to 60% in just an hour.
On the connectivity front, the Xiaomi Mi4 has Wi-Fi, Bluetooth 4.0 and 3G support. It runs on Android 4.4.3 KitKat along with MIUI 5.0.
Xiaomi has been selling their phones and phablets like Mi3, Redmi 1s and the Redmi Note 4G on Flipkart since a long time. Their flash sales are known to end in seconds with all stocks being exhausted.
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